Kandy Day Tour

Tour Starting Point: Any Hotels in Colombo or Negombo / Bandaranaike International Airport (CMB)
Kandy remains a legendary city in the list of places to visit in Sri Lanka. At present, it has developed into a busy yet romantic city that revolves around a picturesque lake. The kingdom of Kandy was attacked several times in the past by the Portuguese and the Dutch. Yet they held onto their independence strongly while other cities around the island were accepting defeat to the invading Europeans. This enduring position during colonial turbulence resulted in the city preserving several ancient traditions until they too surrendered to the British in 1815.Today, Kandy is the second-largest city in the island and is known as the cultural capital of Sri Lanka. At the centre of the city you will see a bunch of colonial-era buildings that retain its countrified charm along the busy roads of Kandy.
This is one of the best botanic gardens in Asia. It is exquisitely maintained and the area spans over 147 acres. Over 10000 flora is found within the garden. It is much appreciated for an extensive collection of orchids. The botanic garden houses the National Herbarium of Sri Lanka as well. The beautiful pathways and green lawns are picture-perfect. Historically, the garden dates back to 1371 when King Wickramabahu built his council chamber in this area. After 1815, the British used it as a commercial crop arboretum.
The golden-roofed Temple of the Sacred Tooth houses Sri Lanka’s most important Buddhist relic – a tooth of the Buddha. During puja (offerings or prayers), the heavily guarded room housing the tooth is open to devotees and tourists. However, you don’t actually see the tooth. It’s kept in a gold casket shaped like a dagoba (stupa), which contains a series of six dagoba caskets of diminishing size. As well as the revered main temple, the complex includes a series of smaller temples, shrines, and museums.
Climb the hill by Kandy Lake to reach Kandy viewpoint and receive a view of the city that cannot be beaten. As a popular tourist spot, the area brings in a large number of peddlers, though they often sell sub-par items. The area also has a reputation for high pickpocket activity, so keep an eye on your belongings. From the hill, you can enjoy great views over the lake and the city as a whole.

